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Summer Interns 2006: Michael Smith and Mary Kohut

Mary Kohut and Michael Smith photograph

Together with our Senior Editor Shaina Johnson, Mary and Michael developed an array of articles for our allies' newsletters and for publication in broader media. They've laid the groundwork for future internships in media and outreach, effectively mapping out the work we'd like to do in those fields over the next twelve to eighteen months.

Mary's Media Internship was intertwined with Michael's Outeach efforts, with Mary taking the lead on preparing documents for publication, and Michael getting those documents into the hands (and newsletters) of our allies.

The best way to see Mary's work is to google "Mary Kohut SpaceShare" in the coming months, as the articles she has submitted are published and will start start showing up in web searches!

Michael's work aimed to create long term connections between SpaceShare and our potential allies, especially those hosting large-scale events such as rallies. We weren't expecting fast results, but we got them anyway. Check out Camp Democracy, a huge gathering scheduled throughout September in Washington DC. Thanks to Michael's work Camp Democracy will have carpooling and roomsharing integrated into their event. We think this is the break we were looking for regarding one sector of our potential clients and allies, an event large enough that future planners will notice our work and come to us, rather than requiring us to call them.

We hope and expect the long-term results of this summer will be many more rallies and marches being run in a more environmentally friendly way.

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