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SpaceShare Carpooling & Green Logistics April Newsletter

  • We think you signed up for SpaceShare's once-a-month update. If not, just reply and let me know.

Reaching Out

We're still in our spring growth period: ran an exhibit booth at New Living Expo a weekend ago, just back from Arizona for the Sun Festival, and in Davis for Whole Earth this weekend. Hands and minds and hearts are needed, join us!

New Shoots

While I'm very busy reaching out to events and sponsors and building sites, there is some more interesting news: a plan for symbiotic ways to grow with other green businesses.

SpaceShare is seeding the "Bay Area Green Travels & Homes Alliance." We're talking with small green companies that provide services to travelers and ways to green people's homes. When we have a table at our events, we'll guide travelers and residents to take another step to be greener.

  • For travelers at conferences: Green hotels & restaurants, bicycle, kayak and sailboat rentals, biodiesel wine tours, as many ways as we can think of to enjoy the city without burning petro.
  • For residents at festivals: Solar, efficiency, green housecleaning and gardening.
Let's start creating the green city we've been envisioning. SpaceShare's ability to reach thousands of people at events could help seed many other small businesses, while funding more carpooling at the same time.

If this sounds good to you, jump in and make it happen! Helping put together the Bay Area Green Travels & Home Alliance could make for an exciting, payed internship. Or join me in trying to start our own green company and help set these up across the country. These projects won't happen unless more people step up. If you've been wondering how to help transform our economy from destructive megacorps to human-scale and green, the door is open and the ideas are here.

The Barrier: Growing Pains

SpaceShare's ideas have been proven in the last two years. If we can get past the start-up phase, we can make a huge difference for the planet. With no capital and no partners, things are pretty tough right now: the initial savings to start SpaceShare are gone and this is a wonderful, growing business, but not a "make money fast" field. If SpaceShare is going to succeed, more people need to get involved.

We're not a multinational, or the charity case of a foundation or wealthy person, SpaceShare is a place for ordinary people to jump in and create. We have some wonderful volunteers who are making a big difference, but the core of the effort is me and one intern, and that's not enough to hold the center together as we grow but before SpaceShare becomes financially self-sustaining.

Passing the Barrier: Summer Interns and Partners

Do you know someone ready to get serious about protecting our planet, but not sure how?

The summer internships hold out the chance to make a real difference instead of making photocopies. We need an artist and designer, an environmental studies or urban planning enthusiast, and most of all someone who'd like to explore green business and marketing. Do you know any students?

The miracle we need right now: a new part-time partner, to contact events and encourage them to carpool, and to search for sponsors, on commission. This could be part time, perhaps a summer job. Surely someone out there is adventurous, entrepreneurial & green. I can't do it alone, join me!

Please, think through your list of friends! If you think this is a worthwhile project, the time to get involved is now. If we can make rent for the next few months, we'll probably be able to keep growing and reach thousands of events, tens of millions of people, in two years. Or, we can pack it up. Bush and the megacorporations are not the villain this time: are we ready to create a more grassroots activism and grassroots economy, driven by adventurous people rather than money and heirarchy?

Spring Events Calendar: We need you in California, Scottsdale, Canada and Seattle!

SpaceShare plans to be exhibiting at all these events. This is a great way to help out, have fun, and meet people. Small contributions are welcome, you don't need to spend the whole weekend at the booth to be a big help!


  • May 6-8. Davis, Whole Earth Festival.
  • May 31, Oakland, Green City Vision.
  • June 11-12, Santa Rosa, Harmony Fesival.


  • May 27-30, Folklife Festival.


  • June 27, Toronto, Yet Another Perl Conference.
We have real needs, and real opportunities for you to make a difference!

Be the Change,

Stephen Cataldo
6420 Colby St.
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 520-6175

Replacing Cars with Community

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