Email SpaceShare

Send us your comments, suggestions or problems:

  • Would you like to receive SpaceShare's monthly newsletter?
  • Do you have suggestions of events that could use SpaceShare?
  • This is not the right place to post your offer or request for a ride to a particular event. Each event has it's own site for you to run an automatic search; occassionally a mistake is made and people are sent to our homepage rather than a specific event's logistics site. If so, tell us what link you followed (from their website, an email, a poster?) and we'll send you the correct URL & hopefully fix the problem.
  • If you have difficulties using the system, then please do email us here with as much detail about the difficulty as possible, and we will do our best to help you.


Your name:

Your email address:


For Questions or Error Reports
Please include:
1) The event you are going to
2) Your username
3) Exactly what you are trying to do
4) What specifically goes wrong: please send the error message or describe as best you can.

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